Addendum au report Valewlker 1.60

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Scythes do not seem to accrue the 2handed or "slow weapon" bonus that all other 2handed weapons in the game recieve. This means that the scythe is hitting at the relitave damage of a medium to fast speed 1handed weapon.

Solution: To help the lackluster melee damage of VW, the 2handed weapon bonus should be applied to the scythe.


Every other class that recieves a melee haste buff also recieves an endurance use reduction and self endurance regen to alleviate the high endurance usage of haste buffs. The valewalkers should recieve this to bring the class in line with other melee hybrids with self insta haste.


comme le reste du rapport, je suis 100% agree

@Myriald : Gnark Gnark
j'avais deja lu a propos de ce probleme
c'est quand meme un comble d'avoir des armes lente (spd 3.5 a 5.5) qui tape comme des armes a 1 main....
il faut a tout prix aue le bonus des LW soit appliqué aux faux (140% il me semble)

Concernant le buff de reduction de cout d'endu je ne dirais qu'une chose:
Etre ooe apres 4 taunts c'est quand meme un peu penible

@Pepper: je me vengerais

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