DST, GIGN ou Police Nationale?

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Nicolas Sarkozy veut savoir qui des trois organismes qu'il finance, la DST, le GIGN et la police nationale, est le plus efficace pour attraper les criminels.

On lâche dans 3 bois différents un lapin. Charge à chacun de retrouver le sien.

Les espions de la DST placent des micros, engagent des lapines bien roulées, soudoient des renards, truffent des carottes, font de l'intox dans les clairières, interrogent discrètement les plantes et les cailloux.
Après un mois d'enquête, ils concluent : "L'affaire est close, ce lapin n'a jamais existé".

Le GIGN arrive, encercle le bois, fait une sommation rapide et mitraille tout, fout le feu au bois, saccage toute trace de vie. Tous fiérots et sans s'excuser (alors qu'une certaine presse prétend avoir les photos du lapin les bras en l'air) les ninjas rapportent le cadavre carbonisé du lapin et déclarent : "Mission accomplie".

La police arrive avec son panier à salade, fait une rafle dans une
clairière et se ramène le lendemain matin avec un sanglier bien amoché qui dit :"Ok, Ok, d'accord, je suis un lapin".
C'est une resucée d'une blague US.

Citation :
The NSA, the CIA and the FBI are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.

The NSA goes into the forest. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They setup an elaborate technical system for spying on each and every animal. After three months of extensive monitoring, they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The CIA goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.

The FBI goes in. They come out just two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay, okay, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit."

Une autre ! Une autre ! OK.
Citation :
A CIA officer was interviewing 3 candidates for an open position.

He explained to each of them, "In the next room is your mother. Take this gun, enter the room, and kill her."

The first candidate became pale and quickly declared he simply couldn't do such a thing. The officer thanked him for his time and excused him.

The second candidate took the gun and went into the room. Ten minutes passed with no sound or anything. Finally, he came out without shooting his mother. He told the officer he simply couldn't do it and left.

The third candidate took the gun and briskly walked into the room. Seconds later three shots blasted out from the room. Shortly after a scuffle ensued inside the room. The officer looks surprised and just as he is about to go in, the man walks out. "What idiot put blanks in the gun?! I ended up having to strangle her!"

The officer cooly replied, "you're hired".
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