The Division - Maj 1.4

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Coucou, résumé des changements qui arriveront avec la 1.4:

Citation :
Update 1.4
General topics

Release date:

Still for October, without a specific date.


These are the issues they identified when they were analyzing their data.
Time to Kill / Time to be killed

They really wanted to identify the core problems with the game to solve that, before they move ahead with more content
They collected immense amount of data and put them into graphs and analyzed them

Identified issues:

The enemies in endgame are too bullet-spongy and deal way to much damage
There is no build diversity – when you do not have a very specific build, you are not effective in endgame.
That means, there is a very limited amount of good builds and that is not what an RPG game is about, there needs to be variety and multiple ways to build an effective character.
That also makes the game unrewarding, because only few looted items give you an upgrade or are usable.
That makes the game very difficult – not only for solo but also for unoptimized groups, so when you are not reading up builds or informing yourself on Reddit, you really have a rough time.

Time to kill and Enemy Scaling

There is a huge difference between 1-30 and in the endgame.
While the time to kill is pretty linear in 1-30 and increases exponentially as soon as you hit endgame
Level 12 is their baseline and reference what experience they want to achieve.

This graph is based on average gear.

Best / random gear vs. optimized gear

While the time to kill for 1-30 with best/random and min-maxed equipment is close and linear, there is a huge difference in endgame between best/random gear and min-maxed gear


Gear mods

Level 12: mods contribute 6% to the time to kill
Level 30: mods contribute 40% to the time to kill – (they are a critical part of the builds and that is even a low number, because it does not include accuracy etc)


Level 30: Skills contribute 78% to the damage (when you cap electronics it is even more)


The game is balanced for the best possible build and since there is a huge damage gap between the best equipped and worst equipped player – the game is therefore very difficult for the average player.
Damage fluctuation in certain situations can be as high as +/- 264% between players (even higher in the live game)
Damage mitigation can be up to 7 times more powerful at level 30 compared to how effective it was at level 12
The NPCs after level 30 are just too powerful
The difference between the best-equipped player and the average equipped player should not be that big
It has to be rewarding to optimize the gear, but it should not make such a huge difference
The weapon handling should be more like in the 1-30 phase, so that they don´t have to compensate with enemy health pools.
Gear mods are too powerful in endgame and have a too big impact on the build
Skills are too powerful
SmartCover and Pulse are the most used skills

Update 1.4 changes
General changes

Fixing enemy health and damage scaling post level 30 so that it is linear and not exponential
Time to be killed in comparison: Now it takes 2.1 seconds to be killed by a standard Riker at level 33 – it will be 6 seconds in 1.4.

Time to kill in comparison: Now it takes for an unoptimized build / unmodded ACR 3.8 seconds to kill a Riker at level 33 – it will be 2.1 seconds in 1.4.

Difficulty progression changes

Now you can play normal/hard mode missions without problems – but the gap between hard and challenge mode is huge and you basically need challenge mode gear to even play that content. That also needs to change and that is why the are reworking the difficulty scaling in the endgame:

Reworking the difficulty scaling in endgame:

Greater granularity
Even transition to endgame so that there are no huge difficulty spikes
Better loot and relevant rewards from mission
Linear equipment progression
Support solo players so that they have a chance to progress
RPG/Shooter experience back - faster killrate but RPG should still have an impact
Clearer path through endgame for fresh level 30 players, so that you really know what to do and where you can get equipment to improve your character.

New World Level for 1.4


Players can now select the World Level when they hit level 30.
You are able to set the level of the NPCs and the loot to a specific level.
Named roamers are back in the open-world (Bullet King lives!) and now you can farm open-world again
The World Level can be changed at any time
There will not be level 34 / 35 NPCs
The World Levels will be unlocked as you improve your Gear Score
When you reach GS 163 you are overpowered for Tier 1 and can move on and also survive in the Tier 2 environment. That gives you a very linear progression in endgame and you get the equipment in your current Tier.

The World Level will affect the enemy levels of:

Open World

World Level impact

Tier 1 (Level 30 enemies – GS 163 loot (rare 182)) – no challenge mode
Tier 2 (Level 31 enemies – GS 182 loot (rare 204)) – challenge mode is unlocked
Tier 3 (Level 32 enemies – GS 204 loot (rare 229))
Tier 4 (Level 33 enemies – GS 229 loot ) – heroic mode in Incursions is unlocked

Difficulty selection

After 1.4 the difficulty (normal to heroic) does not affect enemy level anymore, it will affect what types of enemy you fight (normal grunts or elite enemies) and the amount of loot you get:

Normal / Hard / Challenge / Heroic difficulty selection for content

Normal/Hard/Challenge/Heroic difficulty will not increase enemy level anymore – but the amount of loot you get
Challenge mode + content will not be scaled to four players per default, so you could play it solo now
When you are in a group, the enemies still scale up to the number of players.
Elite NPCs are now smarter as before – so they will not be just bullet sponges but move faster and more tactical.
Heroic difficulty will only be available for Incursions
Incursion will be the only content that is balanced for 4 players

You will fight these types of enemies in the different difficulties

Normal = Mostly normal enemies
Hard = Normal enemies become Veteran, Veterans become Elite
Challenging = All enemies are Elite, and changes of fire teams and enemy archetypes

Gear Score Changes

Max Gear Score will be 229, so Gear Sets have the same Gear Score as the highest possible High-End gear
High-End items will be more important now, since they are at the same level as Gear Sets
They are not nerfing the Gear Sets, they are just changing the Gear Scores to make it more consistent.

Gear Sets will get a new Gear Score

191 = 163
214 = 182
240 = 204
268 = 229


All enemies are able to drop the best loot of the specific Tier.
Trash mobs have a less chance to drop the best loot than a named enemy.
This way you get constant rewards and don´t have to fight content for 10 minutes to get something relevant.
Trash-mobs in Incursion are still not dropping loot.
They are also removing gear drop weighting, the only activity that will drop guaranteed rewards (as well as more random ones) is Incursions. This will allow you to choose whatever activity you prefer and not force you to take part in content that you don’t like.
Monthly Supply Drops still look at your current Gear Score (the one that is used to calculate the DZ Bracket)


You matchmake with people on your World Level
You can also play with players on a higher World Level and get the loot-drops from there (power leveling)
You can also join players in a lower World Level to help them out
The World Level is tied to the Group Leader - so when you join a Tier 1 player, you will fight Level 30 NPCs even when you are a Tier 4 player.

Dark Zone / PVP

PVE Dark Zone: they are listening, but there will not be specific Dark Zone mechanic changes in 1.4
Dark Zone selects the World Level for you and when you are put in World Level 1 all enemies will be level 30
The Dark Zone Bracket is still calculated based on your gear score, so that high level players don´t harass low level players
Lien avec les liens

Beaucoup de bonnes choses sur le papier, à tester mais:

-Un système de sélection de difficulté pour l’ensemble du jeu qui définit le stuff looté
-Le niveau (normal, difficile, heroique etc) des donjons définit le type d'ennemis rencontrés et non plus leur niveau
-Des ennemis moins forts, moins résistants
-Le retour des named farmable dans la zone pve
-De meilleurs loots, plus de build viable

En gros, et pour ma part, tout ce qu'aurait du être le end game depuis la sortie du jeu. j'ai hâte du coup!
allez juste pour relancé un peu la Hype car ce jeu le mérite réellement ,malgré toutes ses déboires ...mais il reste à l'heure actuelle le meilleur Coop-tps online ,rien que par ses graphismes ,son background ,son univers *fanboyyyyyyy*

Voici des vidéos d'une personne qui as fait partie de l’élite ché pas quoi pour participé a la mise au point de cette maj destinée aux joueurs :

c'est en anglais par contre ^^

et voici un first look un peu long de la DZ en 1.4

Bon, j'ai joué 2 petites heures et... Ca change tout!

C'est la foire au loots, des ennemis moins costaud mais qui pique un peu plus. J'ai pu refaire quasi tout mon stuff, drop 6 caches et beaucoup de jaune/verts 229 là ou j'en droppais que dans la caisse mensuelle xD

Bref, du tout bon pour l'instant.
J'ai pas été un joueur très assidus dans The Division et je dois avouer que ça m'a bien fait plaisir, j'ai joué une petite heure et les différentes possibilités d'upgrade font plaisir, avant j'avais du mal à trouver des mods de qualité jaune (sans que ça me coûte un bras) mais maintenant c'est devenu quelque chose d'assez générique (je tiens à préciser, pour mon niveau). J'ai bientôt acquis le ilvl pour passer sur la map 3, et je pense farm le set Banshee pour enfin m'y mettre à la Dark Zone parce que le bonus ou tu ne perds ni Exp ni Cash est vraiment intéressant pour les joueurs qui comme moi, n'y connaissent rien encore !

Aussi, je me faisait souvent kick (ou disband group) en Underground en matchmaking de par mon ilvl trop bas... Là le fait d'avoir baisser pas mal le score pourra certainement rendre plus appréciable le jeu.

Par ailleurs, avec tout ce qu'ils ont améliorer, j'ai l'impression que la trinité (tank/dps/heal) se renforce encore plus cette fois-ci !!
J'ai vu quelques vidéo sur Youtube parlant de The divison patch 1.4 et ce qui changent etc ... et j'avoue que ça ma donné envie d'y refaire un tour

J'ai beaucoup jouais a la sortie du jeu (trop même) et j'avais jouer un peu a la 1.3 avec l'underground surtout donc je pense avoir pas mal de truc a revoir etc ... (même si avec les vidéo j'ai vu les différent "tier" de 1 a 4 etc...)

Donc ouais je pense dl la maj 1.4 plus tard et voir un peu les changements (Dans les vidéo ça dis qu'on peu solo etc... qu'on est plus obliger d'etre en full groupe pour avoir le meilleur stuff et même si j'aime bien jouer en groupe (même si tous ceux que j'ais en amis on l'air d'avoir stop) j'aime bien jouer solo parfois)

Ps: Si jamais des gens comme moi veulent reprendre le jeu (Je pense même a refaire un nouveau perso carrément je sais pas pourquoi) Uplay Tag: KandaLaw

Edit: Petit soucis avec le jeu et si je me rappel bien a la 1.3 j'avais pareil: Le jeu freeze de temp en temp (genre 1sec voir moins) mais j'ai les même graphics et même config qu'a la sortie du jeu et je n'est jamais eu de problème avant, Du coup j'ai baisser (J'ai pas un config de dingue loin de la, mais vu que le jeu tournais nickel a sa sortie etc ...) mais ça le fais toujours un peu donc je suis un peu déçu, je vais voir pour des mise a jour drivers etc ... Mais si c'est juste devenu comme ça ça donne pas envie de rejouer

Dernière modification par Take ; 31/10/2016 à 01h57.

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