Réunion CSM 30.06.11

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@Trebor_CSM NEX store / pricing meeting winding down. Tough, but if CCP explains to you the way they explained to us, less butthurt
C'est finis ... J’espère que le CSM ne sait pas fait embobiner.

On verra bien. En tout cas, il a l'air plutôt encourageant ...
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Publié par Klemshkova
Vous pensez que CCP essai de nous faire avaler une pillule ?
Nous la faire avaler, pas sûr.
Mais vous la fourrer là où je pense, c'est presque certain
vous avez tous l'air tellement pressé de mettre a mort vos comptes, oubliez pas de faire give money ou contracter votre stuff inutile vers moi avant hein, ce serait dommage.
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Publié par Max B.
vous avez tous l'air tellement pressé de mettre a mort vos comptes, oubliez pas de faire give money ou contracter votre stuff inutile vers moi avant hein, ce serait dommage.
tututut bas les pattes , je récupères déjà tous les dons pour l'association des victimes de la guerre du Nord
Résumé de la première journée de rencontre des partenaires sociaux :

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The Peace Talks - Day One
The first day of the great Incarna Peace Talks is over. I will not attempt to go into incredibly great detail in this posting; I just want to give a broad overview and offer some impressions. To be honest, I'm exhausted and only have a few minutes before dinner.

I want to start by saying that everyone at CCP, and in particular CCP Zulu, was very open and frank about their opinions, and provided any information CSM requested. This was very useful.

In the morning, we discussed issues regarding the rollout of Incarna and the Captain's Quarters. Just about everything people have been bitching about and then some was discussed in detail -- melting video cards, multiboxing, lighting, the death of ship spinning, just to name a few.

CCP started this meeting by saying something incredibly smart. It gave me hope that the entire summit would be a success, but you will have to wait to find out what it was. Suffer, bitches.

Then, after lunch, we spent over 3 hours discussing the Noble Exchange rollout and virtual goods pricing. This was a very passionate session, to say the least.

CSM got a complete rundown on the overall CCP vanity goods strategy, and it became obvious how a series of mistakes and communications breakdowns -- both internal at CCP, to CSM, and in their messaging to you (and lack thereof) -- resulted in the NEX rollout debacle.

There should be a devblog coming out in the very near future that explains CCP's strategy, puts things into context, and hopefully starts healing this self-inflicted wound. Anyone can shoot themselves in the foot, or the ass, but in this case CCP managed to do both with one shot, which takes real skill.

The day ended with some work-in-progress demos of the other CQs and an establishment. Some nice work, and the Gallente CQ is the best CQ IMHO.

Tomorrow, we will tackle the big question: Does CCP have plans to release game-affecting virtual goods (aka "gold ammo")?

Suggestion of the day: adding a "Just Say NO to Virtual Goods" t-shirt to the Noble Exchange, priced higher than a monocle. Is CCP fearless enough to do it?

J'espère que Meissa pourra nous faire un compte rendu un petit plus précis, parce que le coup du "on avait mal compris, on est trop cons, CCP veut pas nous enfler", j'y crois moyen.
Citation :
Publié par rackam77
J'espère que Messia pourra nous faire un compte rendu un petit plus précis, parce que le coup du "on avait mal compris, on est trop cons, CCP veut pas nous enfler", j'y crois moyen.
Emergency Meeting

Day 1 of the emergency meeting is practically over. Now we have the "informal meetings" that happen over dinner and beer. (No, these are not attempts at buying us off, though I'd love that).

I won't be able to discuss some specifics of the meetings until the thing is over and we've cleared everything, but a status update is in order.

The atmosphere within the attending CSMs was relatively relaxed. Unlike other times, there was no discussion about World of Tanks or other non-CSM things however and all of the time spent yesterday was spent talking about the issues. There is general consensus on the situation with some slight nuances when it comes to specifics.

Today, we started with the "easy stuff". InCarna perception, CQ, Nex Store useability and pricing structure, we also touched up a bit on the 99 dollars program. Tension was present in growing quantities over the day, but the conversations were constructive and not overly confrontational. Points were made clearly and unequivocally, but in a decent atmosphere.

The Employees within CCP who don't participate in the meetings and knew us took the time to discuss aspects of the issues during lunch and breaks, on both sides, either appreciating our perspective or playing devil's advocate or providing mitigating (but still reasonable) points to the discussion.

As far as the meetings are concerned, progress has been made on some points, elements of answers have been found for others. Overall I deemed this day positive with one caveat I will get into after the public announcement has been made (note to self:230).

The toughest day will obviously be tomorrow, and we'll see how that goes, but considering the conversations we've had both with people who will participate to those sessions and others, I have good hope things will turn out fine. Hope I won't be proven wrong.

Sorry for not getting into the gritty details, but it would be unfair to promise or incite to rage either way until things are set in stone.

Now off for debriefing with the CSM delegates. Will update tomorrow.

PS: I don't have *real* internet access, please repost this to the appropriate channels as appropriate.
PPS: Sorry for not answering all your evemails, there was just too many to respond to individually, I read them all up to yesterday.
Stephan aka Meissa Anunthiel
J'ai honte mais je ne peux m'empecher de penser a un celebre refrain:
Caramels, bonbons et chocolats
Merci, pas pour moi
Mais tu peux bien les offrir à une autre
qui aime le vent et le parfum des roses
Moi, les mots tendres enrobés de douceur
se posent sur ma bouche mais jamais sur mon cœur

Paroles, paroles, paroles, paroles, paroles et encore des paroles, que CCP sème au vent. Les promesses, ca ne coute rien. Je vous en rappelle une: il n'y aura pas de microtransactions dans EvE, faite il y a finalement pas si longtemps.

CCP a perdu ma confiance, je ne croirais pas un traitre mot de ce qu'ils ont dit au CSM.

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